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Enrolment Form
Please complete The de Ferrers Enrolment Form when you have received notification of a confirmed place.
The information that you enter on this form is required for the efficient organisation of the academy and the children’s educational needs. It will be stored on the academy management information system, under restricted access, and is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. The information will only be disclosed to the Education Authority, the health and welfare agencies, or where a law or an emergency necessitates a disclosure. The information held must be kept up-to-date by law and so if any of the information that you now supply changes in the future, will you please notify the academy via email to office@deferrers.com
Parental responsibility is a shared duty throughout a child’s life. If the parents separate or divorce, that responsibility does not disappear nor is it reallocated to one parent rather than the other. It continues to be shared. It is lost only in adoption.
Parental responsibility is defined in the Children Act 1989 as assuming all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority that a parent of a child has by law. If the parents of a child were not married to each other when the child was born, the mother automatically has parental responsibility but the father does not, even if he is named on the birth certificate.
NB: If the child’s birth is registered or re-registered on or after 1 December 2003 and the father is named on the birth certificate of a birth registered or re-registered after that date he will gain parental responsibility even if the parents were not married at the date of the child’s birth. It is not possible for a birth to be re-registered so that the father can acquire parental responsibility if the father has already been correctly registered on the birth certificate at the time the child was born, but the parents were not married at that time. However, in the case of children born after November 2003 and due to start school in September 2008 if a father’s name appears on the birth certificate, and the birth was registered on or after 1 December 2003 he will have parental responsibility.
Unmarried fathers can gain parental responsibility by various legal means. They can be formally granted parental responsibility by the child’s mother, (this has to be registered with a court), by being granted a residence order in respect of the child and by adopting the child. People other than the child’s natural parents can also acquire parental responsibility through being granted a residence order, being appointed as a guardian for the child, adopting the child and by being named in a Care Order or Emergency Protection Order (although in these circumstances parental responsibility is limited to taking reasonable steps to safeguard or promote the child’s welfare and would not extend to changing the child’s name).
I understand that my child may leave the school premises for local, regular or routine visits and hereby consent for my child to participate in such visits. I also understand that my child may leave the school premises at other times when I will be informed separately by letter as additional consent may be required from me. I undertake to inform the academy of any change in the medical or other circumstances as soon as possible after the date below. If the school is unable to contact me, I authorise the adults in charge to consent to any medical treatment for my child which a qualified medical practitioner deems necessary.
Pupil Premium/Free School Meal Eligibilty Checking System
The Dfe have created an online service to enable schools to check whether a pupil is eligible for free school meals. Please can the main parent/carer for each child enter their NI number & date of birth for this purpose, any personal information will be stored securely inline with our GDPR policy. Please use the following link to check your eligibility: