Pupil Premium

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The Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools and academies with pupils that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years; those who are looked after children (LAC); and those who are service children. 

The Academy received £530,281 in Pupil Premium funding for the financial year September 2024 – August 2025 .

The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will support the academy in achieving our aim of helping every student to achieve to their full potential. The outline of this spend is written in the 'Pupil Premium Strategy statement'. 

21st April

New application form for Free School Meals (see below)

30th March

FSM letter - Please see letter below about Free School Meals on Trent

26th March

Free School Meal scams - The Academy has been made aware of a scam that is being targeted at those in receipt of free school meals. 

Some Schools have already reported that parents and carers of children in receipt of free school meals are being targeted by fraudsters. Fraudsters are targeting families, emailing parents and carers with messages such as ‘ If your child is entitled to free school meals send your bank details to the school and they will help with funding while the school is closed’.

The email contains links for the parents to follow if they want to receive this funding– these links are fake. Neither the Department For Education nor the academy will ask you for this sort of information via text, e-mail or phone call.