Impressive results and bright futures for The de Ferrers Sixth Form students

Impressive results and bright futures for The de Ferrers Sixth Form students
Students at The de Ferrers Sixth Form Campus opened envelopes revealing an impressive set of results this morning.
Overall, the school has exceeded the results that were achieved in 2019, the last comparable set of results before the pandemic, which given the challenges the students have faced over the last few years only added to the air of celebration.
Ali Bickle, Principal, commented: “I am so pleased for these students. Given that these were the first set of formal, externally validated exams that these students have sat since primary school there was a real sense of nervousness before the exams started.
“It takes a real team to secure results like this. Alongside applauding our students, it is right we acknowledge not just the dedicated staff who have gone above and beyond to support our students, but also parents and carers. The support that students need, particularly during these challenging times, has been significant and the partnership between the school and families has been so important.
Among the smiling faces was Jess Morris who achieved 2 A*s and an A and will be heading off to the University of Nottingham to study Accountancy. To add to the pressure, Jess also opened her results live in front of journalists from the social media team at BBC News who came to the Sixth Form to join the celebrations. Jess said: “With all the talk about grades going down over the last few days, I was really worried. I have been going onto lots of websites to try and find what the grade boundaries were and that has added to the stress. “I am, however, delighted and am now going to head off out for breakfast with my family. My school has also been fantastic and I couldn’t have done it without the teachers.”
Will Ratcliffe secured straight As in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. He said: “The biggest challenge was getting into the rhythm of exams. Having not sat GCSEs, the first few exams were a bit of a learning curve – but I got there. I am now going to take a GAP year to save some money and consider my options – but I definitely want to do something linked to physics in the future.
Amelia Taylor is heading to the University of Oxford after taking the slightly unusual step of repeating a year. “I spent three years doing my A-levels as one of the grades I got last year was just short of what it needed to be to go to Oxford. I would simply say that if you want something you just have to go for it – and getting the grades I needed this year has been amazing.”
Sam Barclay’s 3 As in Business, Maths and Biology have opened the door for him to study Biology at the University of York. “In all seriousness, I couldn’t have achieved all of this if it wasn’t for the school, the teachers and the facilities. I tried to start revising early and do a little and often, and De Ferrers have really helped to support that.”
Hannah Roberts, Head of the Sixth Form Campus (Vice Principal), commented” “I am absolutely delighted for our students! This is a fantastic set of results which will open doors to bright futures. The vast majority of our students will be going onto their first choice destination whether that be university, apprenticeship or employment.”
Kathy Hardy, CEO of The de Ferrers Trust added: “While we are proud of all of our students, it would be wrong not to acknowledge the high numbers of A*s and As that were secured this year. Students really have worked hard, been kind and chosen wisely.
“Our whole community should be deeply proud of what has been collectively achieved.”